Thursday, January 13, 2011

Zoom Zoom

As I have written about before, we try very hard to operate most of this household on a cash only basis.  Which we successfully follow in terms of our groceries, clothing, eating out, and gas.  However, when we approached car buying, our cash theory didn't make it as far as we thought it would. 
Way back, when the Corolla was still kickin' (and I use that term loosely), I asked Kevin what he thought our car budget would be.   To which he responded, $6,000.  Um, Ok.  so we're getting another junker.  But, I decided to try to be supportive, and told him that I would start praying for a car that was under six grand, and that was slightly cool.  Hoping that my version of cool, and God's version of cool would be able to mesh.
When the search got serious, we came across 3 older BMW's, with high mileage, yet still cool, and two were even manual; Kevin's dream.  So we thought we were right on with the Dave Ramsey bandwagon, patting ourselves on the back.  Long story short, two sold before we could see them, and one came back from the mechanic with a "run as fast as you can away from this thing," bill of health. 
So right then and there, and after A TON of searching, missing work, and so many Veggie Tale DVD's in the car that I never want to eat a tomato again... we decided to give the ol' Dave Ramsey, all cash, no loan philosophy our Index Finger (gotta stay clean here folks).. and bought a car that doesn't need hands laid on it in prayer every morning. 
In other words, God answered my prayer.  Not Kevin's.  Because we bought a Saab.  The used car of my dreams.  Technically, Kevin will be driving it, but it happened to be within our financing budget, a manual, super cool... and black. The exact opposite of our White Corolla.  Perfection.
I know not to put my hope in material possessions, so I realize that this car won't make us the happiest couple ever.  But I'm pretty sure that it will make date nights just a bit more romantic than a huge mini-van does right now.    Plus, if a smoother drive to work makes Kevin a bit more excited to go there.. then it was a good choice. 
Zoom Zoom.


  1. Too funny! We're DRaholics but I can tell you that we'll prob never pay cash for a car. I'm okay with financing one! Congrats on the new ride!


  2. i have been checking to see what you would get - yeah for you guys :) and once again you made me laugh out loud :)

  3. Megan,
    You figured out how to comment! Way to beat the computer at it's own game:).

    Thanks Brooke and Tricia.. we are super excited about it!
