Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We rushed in, But are we fools?

I will start my blogging adventure with a simple explanation of the title.  You see, not only was the song my first dance at my wedding to my highschool love, but it was extra fitting for us.  I was 19, he was 20.  He couldn't grow facial hair, I had no clue how to cook.  We were entering our Junior year in college, and really all I wanted to do post marriage was watch MTV (perks of having cable off campus), and have lots of kids.  Good thing my man really was a MAN, and decided that a better path for us instead of flunking out of college with 5 kids and a huge cable bill.. was to work hard, go to law school, and become an attorney.  Needless to say, I still wanted those babies. So, like good fools do, we decided to have our first the final year in law school.  A "beautiful baby girl", as Callie refers to her younger self.  Worth every extra loan payment that we took on. 
Later on (2 years to be exact), we really up'd the rushing and welcomed TWINS into the nest.  Two crazy boys who to this day are each others best friend, but also mortal toy enemy. 
So all in all... the song fits.  And to laugh the statistics of failing young marriages in the face.. I'd like to say we have happily itched out the first 7 years, flew by the 8th, and are now on year 9 of marital bliss happiness.  Bliss... is for honeymooners.  Happiness is when fools learn the wisdom of love.

I'm not just stalking anymore

I'm new to this blogging world.  My family has them, my friends write them, and I stalk quite a few.  But I have never been temped to have a blog, for fear that people will judge me more than they already do when my 3 kids are having tantrums in the check out lanes.  But now, maybe I see that having a blog is as useful as locking myself in my mini van (cool yes), and having a good scream from time to time.  It's just sending out a loud scream into blogosphere heaven.  If you judge me, I will never know.  If you love me, I'll see your post.  And if I have anything beneficial to say that you might take home to your bank, well then I will consider that a blog well done.  
So here's to my new venture.  Sit back in those pj's and hold tight.  Because I have a lot of thoughts to say, a lot of kids to show, and a little bit of time to write.