Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fr. John Riccardo

I had a thought a while ago that I would like to meet at least some of the people who have made an impact on my life, this side of heaven, rather than only thank them once we are all united under Christ, in Glory.  Obviously friends, my husband, and my family are making daily contributions to who I am and who I am becoming, and I can thank them face to face, whenever I please.  But there are always those, who, from afar, and with whom I have no personal relationship, by their dedication to the Lord, through their teachings, writings, and devotion, have reached all the way to my living room couch, and into my heart. 

Fr. John Riccardo, of Our Lady of Good Council, in Plymouth, Michigan, is one of those people.  I was first recommended to view his conferences he has held with a local Evangelical Church near his parish.  They have been published online, and for a convert, the very fact that he has been to, and calls himself friends with, his Evangelical neighbors, is a breath of fresh air.  Like many Protestants who know very little, if at all any Truth about what happens within the walls of a Catholic Parish, many Catholics know nothing of the wonderful happenings within an Evangelical Church, either. The two are sadly divided by a deep canyon that, if ever crossed, is very unlikely to contain a bridge of open communication between the converting members.  This is a huge reason why converts express deep sorrow and even depression during such a conversion process.  It is lonely.  And neither side seems to understand you. 

So when we came across Father Riccardo, and his understanding of this dilemma, we soon found ourselves soaking in anything and everything he had preached.  Thank goodness for iTunes and the internet.  It seems some things online can still be sacred.  This priest has allowed me to grasp concepts of Catholicism that were hard to accept, he explains the deeper reason (there always is one) to why they do what they do, and he simply reveals Jesus to the listener.  If any non Catholic ever questioned if Catholics can have a personal love for Jesus like we Evangelicals do... this man will quench that worry. 

So I emailed him.  A long time ago, just to say thanks.  And didn't think I would get a response.  He's sort of big time around here, on the radio a lot, seems to be good pals with huge influencers in the Catholic world, and frankly, just busy with his own Parish.  When I received an email back, along with a direct contact number, I was excited.  And that was when my dream of meeting at least a few people this side of heaven took place.  

A few months passed, and we continued on with our journey.  We continued to listen, pray, and process many books, podcasts, and Catholic thought.  And then our anniversary approached, and we were planning how to celebrate.  Last year, we celebrated with a trip, a fight, and a diamond ring.  Ten years was rough, because we were selfish.  Year 11 brought in the most difficult life change we've ever known, yet it was the best year of our married life.  So the only appropriate thing to do, in my opinion, was to celebrate an anniversary dinner, with a priest; my favorite priest. But it was a dream, so I began to pray for divine intervention, and Kevin left a message with Fr. Riccardo's office.

A day I will always remember was my answer to prayer.  It was an ordinary Wednesday, I was listening to a anti-Catholic talk recommended to me.  If I want to be able to speak on why I am becoming Catholic, I have to listen to others views on why I shouldn't.  So as I listened, becoming more frustrated with every attack, I finally paused it to ready myself for preschool pick up. 

There are events in my life when I look back, and I know without a doubt that the hand of God was moving something in that exact moment.  A specific answered prayer, a turn of events, or something that was not possible without his direct intervention.  I believe he is always with me, but many times it is a walk of faithful obedience rather than a direct voice in the cloud like the Israelites experienced.  Yet those moments where He speaks so clearly are etched in my mind as a remembrance of his vast love and care for my life.  Such was this Wednesday morning. 

In my depressed state, I walked upstairs, unaware of how to deal with my Catholic leanings in view of the recent talk.  In an instant, in a way I cannot explain, everything changed.  I felt encouraged, happy, joyful, and a steadfast peace that I did not have moments before.  I didn't know what it meant, but I knew I would be Catholic.  And I knew it was the Lord when Kevin called me minutes later.  He had been on the phone with Father Riccardo.  That very moment I had become joyful.  We were one, we were connected, and I am sure the Holy Spirit was breathing on us both in that moment.  Father John had suggested to Kevin we meet him for dinner. He had suggested it.  We were meeting Father John this side of heaven.  For our anniversary.  For the year that has meant and been, it all.  I was crying, the Lord was moving, and for a moment, I was sure Heaven was singing, just for me. 

I met Father John last night.  Kevin and I attended Mass at his parish and then shard a bottle of wine with him at his favorite Italian restaurant in Plymouth, Michigan.  We talked about a lot of things, from conversion to contraception and sterilization.  He prayed for us, and encouraged us.  I'm sure I will remember it far longer than he will.  I'm sure he deals with converts like us all of the time.  I am still processing much of what he told us, too much now to write about it.  But a lot to think about in terms of my role should I enter the Church, and what he longs for among the Catholic faithful. 

Meeting father Riccardo was a gift from the Lord.  For me, it was the Lord telling me that He has been watching, He is moving before us, behind us, and with us, even when we are lonely.  And He has placed His voice within obedient leaders to help form His body of believers.  Father Riccardo is inspirational to all... but only if he points me to Jesus.  If I stop at him, I have lost it all, and gained nothing.   As I stared at the crucifix last night during Mass, at my Lord hanging there, all for me, I remembered.  It's not about Fr. John, and it's not about me.  We all have stories, and words of wisdom.  But they are only effective if they point me to HIM.  Because He, is the most exciting one to meet, both here on earth, and in his Heavenly Home.