Sunday, May 22, 2011

French Motivations

Children's French fashion and 30 pairs of undies aren't usually used in the same thought sequence, unless you are using one, to get to the other.  Which is exactly what we have embarked on here for the last week.  You see, it's potty training time for the boys, and my main motivation are some super cute jackets that I bought for them in France, that they can wear next year to school.... IF, they are potty trained by August.   If they aren't, then I will be incredibly sad that my overpriced, quiet please, Dave Ramsey, coats, will not be used for their intended purpose (to make my boys look cool in school). 

Potty training twin boys was definitely one of the most terrifying thoughts that crossed my mind when the doc broke the twin news to us that day during the ultrasound.  Pregnancy with two didn't scare me; birth didn't worry me, but potty training?  Yes, that kept me up at night.  And I would like to personally proclaim to anyone who doesn't have twins that it is indeed, that hard, and it does in fact stink, that much worse.   I have big plans for myself when I am successful with this daunting task.  Like maybe a few new shirts just because, or a nice dinner out, just because.  I'm taking pride in this feat, and although I know it is hard for all... I will always look at mom's with multiples with more respect now than I ever have before.  My longings of sending myself to a looney bin multiple times this past week are a testament of that respect.

 I am proud to say, however, that our seems to be scientifically minded Charlie picked up on half of the idea rather quickly.  However the other issue, the more messy issue, if you catch my drift, is still an unseen novelty here, unless you consider it the novelty that they both like to keep packed away in their undies, not the potty.  Needless to say, they have had to apologize many times to Elmo and Cookie Monster when they do their deeds on them instead of where they belong... the toilet. 

So we are on to week two.  Hoping that we learn more, and clean up less.  At least the weather has had a few warm streaks, so that naked hose downs while the neighbors watch are less chilly than they would have been a few weeks ago.   And thanks to all of the trees in our yard, come summer I'm expecting some great learning moments during our outside play time. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And the Verdict Is.....

A healthy baby.  Disappointed huh?  Yes, we had our ultrasound today, where it would have been clear what baby number 4 is rolling in as, boy or girl.  However, I would like to use this post to prove to my family (mainly my sisters), that I can remain strong during some important life situations.  Not when there is a pan of freshly made brownies staring me in the face; no, that is a sure moment of weakness.  But when it comes to really wanting a surprise and some motivation to make it through another C-section, this girl (and Kevin) remained strong.  Even Jack was there, and he didn't demand to know if he would have another brother to fight with over matchbox cars.  Then again, he has bigger things to worry about, like making it to the toilet during potty training week.  But more on that later.

Not even my doc knows the gender.  Apparently if you request not to know, they don't try to find out either.  And here I though they had a secret page in that big file of theirs that had a blue or a pink sticker on it.  Nope, He will find out the same day we will.  Or technically a few seconds before us, since he gets a better seat in the O.R.than both Kevin and I do.  Other than that, baby # 4 is perfectly healthy.  Two kidneys (always a plus), a nice brain, and some cool eye sockets that gave us a wink in a few pictures.  So we are very happy, and very thankful.  Only 20 or less more weeks to go, and then we can find out the real burning question.  Does Callie Mitchell get a better wedding in the end?  Or does she get a sister?  Only time will tell, girlfriend - only time.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Springtime In Paris

Thanks to my incredibly generous parents and Grandparents, Rachel and I were able to take a trip of a lifetime to visit our sister Sarah in France... sans kids (Cue Angels singing).  Sarah and her family live in the Toulon, France.  It's the Southern part, which means warm, sunny, beachy, perfect weather.  And it was just what this girl needed as a welcome break to the chills of another Midwest May. 

Not to worry though.  The kids were also having the time of their lives spending every moment with my rock star quality grandparents,  who thought it nothing but breezy to have 3 Great Grand kids stay with them the whole time.  Yes, they are the best, and no, you can't borrow them.  And when they weren't being entertained by Mama De and Papa Gramps, I heard that my little Callie is now the top sought after real estate agent under the age of 5 in the Columbus area.  She apparently is well versed in home showings, client meetings, and training classes thanks to her buddy time with Grandma Jan.  Nothing like starting them young, and training them early!

Back in France, Rachel and I did everything from bike riding on Islands (yes, this pregnant belly did survive), to shopping French yard sales.  We saw old villages with lovely shops, ate tons of French pizza, croissants, and baguettes, and hung out on some fabulous beaches.  After that, we took a train to Paris for our last two days, and revamped our knowledge of important art and history.  Although where and what we saw will not be spelled out here, thanks to my non-existent French language skills.   But having a sister who now speaks beautiful French sure comes in handy when exploring, well, France.  I refused to walk into a store, order any food, or ask for a restroom without Sarah.  She was a saving grace when this girl needed a bathroom, and needed it now. 

Overall, it really was a magical trip.  I loved exploring, and spending quality time with my sisters.  France is beautiful and historically moving.  But coming back to the U.S. was also refreshing.  There's no telling how much you appreciate being able to read advertisements... until you can't read anything for a week straight.   Being able to communicate with even the bored U.S. customs officials was music to my ears after a long plane ride with mostly French speaking tourists.  And don't even get me started on the beauty of our American toilets.  It's an entire blog post worth of insight.  I will just say now that airport bathrooms were never more welcome. 

So many, many, thanks to my family who made it possible, and to Sarah and Phil who gave us one sweet week in their world.  I feel refreshed and ready to take on my normal routines again.  That is, however, if I can ever convince my kids that Mommy's house isn't Grandma's house.  Now that is more challenging than an 8 hour plane ride while pregnant.

(Pictures are out of order... but enjoy!)

Beach by Sarah's House, in Toulon

Phil came home the day before!  Family Pic on bike Island

Sisters..after a very bumpy bike ride

Waiting for our Train to Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral

For Kevin... Even Thomas Jefferson got a statue in Paris

Arc de Triomphe

True Tourists, on the double decker bus in Paris

Market near Sarah's House

Beautiful French Country Side

The Gardens of Rodin - One of Kev's favorite sculptures.  Doing the "Thinker Pose"

"The Thinker"

The Louvre
Island Bike Tour

Another French Village... for shopping

Who said you can't touch the top?

Eiffel Tower

Last night in Paris.. eating a genuine Crepe.  I didn't Love it, but I loved Paris