Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No pants, no shirts, no problem

My Grams and Gramps generously gave us money for Christmas to spend on something fun; her orders.  So we thought and we thought, and realized, that we could buy something that met more than just fun criteria.  It would keep us healthy, be fun, and ultimately save us money too. A triple threat.  What is this amazing device?  A treadmill, of course. 

I have been wanting one for a while now.  Although I have enjoyed my time at the local Y, (the child-care and free cable were worth it),  we've noticed that every winter, our kids are constantly sick from other ill children, and I tend to make excuse after excuse on why I could not venture out to run.

So now it's staring me in the face.  Y membership cancelled, I have no other choice but to travel down one set of basement stairs and get my run on.  Plus, as my sister so conveniently pointed out, the major benefit of having a machine in your own home is privacy.  You don't have to do your hair, your make-up (I never did it a the Y either)..or, if you are really feeling restricted, you don't even have to wear pants.  Seriously, can it get any better than that?  Just to be clear, I probably still will.  I can't imagine running without pants on.  But I'm just saying.. the option is now there.  And although I have now given up my two free hours a day without children, and with a never ending stream of free, can't get at home, TV... I think I will greatly enjoy having one in my own home, on my own time schedule. 

Callie is staring to enjoy it too.  We are working between a 1.0 and a 2.5 mph so far.  Which, considering the girl has her mother's coordination, is very impressive.  And yes Kevin, besides this posed picture, she does always wear shoes. 
Thanks Grams and Gramps!  This was by far the best Christmas gift we could have gotten. 


  1. I'm so jealous of your treadmill! Also, the thought of running without pants on is HILARIOUS to me. LOL!

  2. maybe it can be a money maker for you... charge your friends (a.k.a. ME) to come over and run, er, walk on your treadmill. that would make it a quadruple threat. and really, how often does THAT happen?

  3. OH you can come over any time! No charge. If I am being entertained by a friend, that is payment enough:).
    Plus, it has a speaker system that you can play music through, so bring your ipod:)

  4. Running with no pants on would give me more motivation to run faster. Nothing like the sight of bare, jiggly thighs to find some undiscovered energy :P (that is if you don't have to worry about anyone walking in on you!)
