Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Farewell, Old Faithfull

This week marked a significant change in the Mitchell household.  Our 2001 Corolla.. which seemed to never want to die, we think, may have finally died.  It's not fancy, 2 doors can't be opened from the inside, the clear coat of paint is pretty much gone, and it's by no means a looker.  But it did serve us well for the past 9 or so years.  And although I was super excited to write a post with the possible titles, "Oh Happy Day," or "Don't Let the Garage Door Hit You on Your Way Out," or "A New Day has Come" (of course a little Celine theme had to enter somewhere).. I was then convicted on the lesson of faithfulness this old car has taught us. 
This car taught us the generosity of my parents, who bought it for us way back before my Sophomore year of college.  Therefore never saddling us down with a car payment.
It was a lesson in the faithfulness of God who somehow kept it running while we were dirt poor and wouldn't have been able to pay for a repair if it needed one. Which it rarely did.. it's a Corolla after all.
It was a lesson in patience, for both Kevin, and I.  But more so a lesson for me in how patient my husband really is.  I would drive it for one errand, and come back fuming at the ridiculousness of it still being considered a drivable vehicle.  Yet Kevin drove it every day to work.  To a place where everyone else purrs in with BMW's, Audi's, and leather wrapped seats.  He rolled down the back window to open his front door, every time he had to exit.  Sometimes in front of partners, and sometimes in front of confused bystanders.  He stopped going through drive-thru's because well... he couldn't get his window down.  He poured so much oil in that baby that we should have invested stock in the brand.  Although we were convinced that we would be getting a new one with his first paycheck, he waited because the needs and numbers of his family grew faster than his car budget. 
So I for one, will be sad to see the little "White Knight" drive away.  I am so thankful to a husband that cares about us more than he does what he drives.  I am so thankful for the years without a payment, for my parents, and for the safety that we had.  I am surprised about my level of emotion over a Junk car. But  I guess that's what happens when you stop and ponder just how much you really have.  Even if it's not the best looking one on the block.

1 comment:

  1. are you crying right now?? i could hear the emotion in your post :) ha so sad i liked that little car and yes those cars seem to never die but good for you guys for sticking with him for all these years :)
