Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wrinkle Free

Back in the day when I would find anything to do for my parents to make a little extra "sweater cash"... my dad would pay me a dollar per shirt ironed.  It was a nice steady income that allowed me to partake in some of the coolest trends in school. Like big bulky clogs, long denim skirts and anything from Fashion Bug the Gap (you know you shopped there too:).  Trend setter or fashion challenged,  (challenged), it paid for what I wanted, and my Dad went to work wrinkle free. 
Fast forward 10 years, and I'm still churning out the wrinkle free, sending off the best pressed man this side of the corporate ladder.  Do I get paid the same rate?  Not really.  Unless you count being able to stay home with three lovely faces every day worth a few less trendy sweaters.  In this house, I'm under the impression of: No Laundromat, No Problem. 
Wrinkles, on the other hand, I've got a big issue with those. 


  1. Now, that's a beautiful sight. Thanks for taking care of me!

  2. I totally forgot about fashion bug... it was in the same shopping center as roush hardware... haha you are a good wife, I hate ironing so Matt and I each do our own - I better not show him this blog ;)
