Monday, September 27, 2010

Birthday Week

Every birthday for a mom of twins is a big deal.  Seriously... a REALLY big deal.  Yes, I understand I can't claim complete importance of this day over the special day of a singleton, but I can claim a difference in the feeling of the parents; especially the mom. 
During the first year, I was repeatedly assured by other twin moms that the first year with twins is the hardest. Make it through that, and rest will seem manageable. Sometimes empty words for a sleep deprived, overly emotional, double breastfeeding mother.  But those words were words of gold come October 2, 2009, the boys first birthday.  A feeling that is almost indescribable came over me the entire day.  It was a Godly sense of peace, accomplishment, and "adda boy" all wrapped into one.  I'm pretty sure that I happy cried multiple times during the day, and I couldn't help but want to scream "WE DID IT" on the top of my lungs to whoever would listen.  We had survived the first year, after that, anything was possible.
This coming Saturday, the party returns... Jack and Charlie turn 2.  So in honor of another year, I will be posting the best pictures I can pull out, and post them for your blogging pleasure.  I might also include a few of my favorite things about twins, boys, and being their mom.  Stay tuned for some sap.. I'm positive it will rear it's lovely face. 

First Week... bonding brothers

Almost a year... Still bonding, and now bathing

Almost 2 and still bonding, bathing, and now swinging


  1. Oh, Kimmy, I am so proud (and beyond amazed) at how well you've done as a Mom to twins (3 under 3 really!). I brag about you to everyone who will listen and remind myself when my patience runs out with my ONE boy the same age, you are experiencing everything in double-time. Hug, kiss, hold those precious boys in your arms all this week and know you are a powerful example of a good Mom to me! Happy birthday week J&C!

  2. wow it is already october hahaha... my head is not here these days.... so weird to look back at how tiny they were - and now these grown up big hearted boys... love both of your new posts!
