Watch out reader, I'm about to get slightly political on you. But don't worry... besides this sentence, I'm not even going to mention the "Shellacking" (President's words) from Tuesday night. Instead, I'm going to tackle the most ridiculous item that I've heard today.
On the Today Show this morning, they highlighted a story coming out of San Francisco. On Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to ban any sort of children's toys given out with unhealthy meals. That means, moms,... that if you lived there, you no longer need to specify upon a drive-thru whether the Happy Meal is for a girl, or a boy. They believe that the toys (yes, the cheep, piece of crap, plastic, break before you pull into your driveway- toy)... is the cause of childhood obesity. Really? Really San Francisco Board? I wonder, do they even have children themselves? Because I have NEVER, not once, been asked by any of my, count them,
3 children to go to McDonald's because they
really want the newest toy. Nope, I've been begged for a lot of things. But Happy Meal toys are not one of them.
I would beg to differ that if American families are running through those drive- thru's too often, leading to the fattening up of our kids, then there are much deeper issues behind those orders than a desire for a bad toy. Let me begin to count the ways.
Maybe our society is so consumed with being busy (myself included), with working, after school sports, and in my case, redocorating, that there is no longer time to cook a meal, sit, and eat a healthy dinner as a family.
(I know, racy point Kim). Then again, I didn't see the S.F. Board also banning what parents did with their time?
Maybe we have forgotten that people older than us young hip things actually do have wisdom... like how to cook, how to make soup, how to prepare a meal in advance so that we are not rushing around come 5pm. (ie... hang out with your Grandparents, they can be pretty darn cool... Ahem (Grandma De and Grandpa Harry). And again, I didn't see the Board regulate a per/week mandatory, "Get and old Friend", policy.
Maybe too many kids are playing ridiculous video games instead of running around outside like I was forced to as a kid. Did they regulate work outs for kids? Thought Not.
I'm just saying, I am the first to admit that sometimes my van auto-pilots into a fast food chain. But I'm also slightly bright enough to realize that that means the next meal will include veggies and fruits. And I'm definitely smart enough to realize that I don't need a governmental system telling me what I can, and cannot feed my kids. Maybe we should send the Board back to.. wait for it... "Common Sense" school to realize the true definitions of cause and effects. Because I am positive that this cause, was not the reason behind that effect.
And that's about as political as I feel for one day. Off to do some decorating, and maybe eat some pie:).