Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where You at Girl?

Things have been a bit busy in the Mitchell house lately.  Apparently you don't have to be pregnant to catch a drift of the "nesting" bug.  The crazy, hyperactive, uber-organizational birdie of a bug can hit any woman, any house, any day.  Although shhhhh... I have yet to see it hit a man:).  Just sayin'.  So obviously with the mad cleaning that has been going on here, the writing on this blog has taken a back seat.  But don't be too hurt.  My running has also been non-existent for the past 2 weeks.  It's sad when my three year old keeps asking to go the "Y"... and I keep telling her that Mommy's taking a week.. errrr.. 2 weeks of rest time.  (really.. I lost my ipod and running with no music is totally boring to me:).  
Needless to say, while my legs rest up (ha ha), I have attacked with a vengeance every cabinet, cupboard, and spare room in this joint.  Callie thought the throw, toss, keep activity of children's clothing was extra fun.  And nothing was better to me than perfectly stacking all of my sweaters into one neat and tidy master closet.  Oh yes, and perhaps the most exciting times of my weeks have been Wednesday mornings, hiding behind curtains to see if the trash man will indeed,  take that too.  And what he doesn't get to first, the crazy junk collector in the neighborhood has picked up.  I bet he has a LOT of plans for that metal crib frame.
It's probably the fear of 20+ people showing up here for Thanksgiving that I want every inch of space to be neat and clean.  Or it could be that I'm just nutty, and my husbands love of organization has finally rubbed off on me a bit.  Either way, the pantry, master closet, secret back room, kids rooms, and hall closet have all benefited.  So if you stop by my house now, I will be able to correctly point you in the direction of toilet paper, light switch covers, play-doh, and replacement stove vents.  Check back in a week, and the garage could even be clean.  At this rate, we should have family get togethers every week!
And I'll leave you with a teaser for the next upcoming post... Callie's birthday bedroom redo.  We finally got her the purple room she's been asking for every night... at 2am.  No joke.  Apparently pink is SO last years colors. 

(yeah.. that's not my pantry, but I wish it was).

1 comment:

  1. i want to come visit... you seriously are super mom - will try to call next week.
