Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's with all of this technology anyway?

As I write, I am halfway squinting, halfway head tilted, and expecting a headache due to the fun that my boys had with my computer screen about a month ago.  Two year olds and technology do not mix.  The main reason why I pride myself in carrying a "Go Phone" instead of a shiny new iphone or blackberry.  Lose the phone for a split second, and the first place I would check would be the toilet.  It's a lot cheaper to routinely replace a $20 phone than it is to replace an expensive App filled one.  Until they make an App that is indestructive against toddler boys, I will refrain from literally throwing my money down the drain. 
So through the 40 percent visual that I still have on my screen, I will admit that Kevin and I did finally bend to the pressure of part of the social media craze.  We pride ourselves on being a bit late to the game in many areas of life.  Not always having to have the latest and greatest the second the markets open.  A reason why we stuck it out with one gigantic (think the beginning of the PC days) TV for the first seven years of marriage.  We weren't sure those flat screens would really take off:).  But they did, and so we recently dipped our toes into another advancement: Texting.  Stop your snickering.  I really do HATE to text.  It's like watching a dinosaur press the keys every so slowly.  And you all who text with lightening speed just amaze me.  How do your fingers find the letters that fast?  Is it T-9? Is it a gift?  Am I just destined to... (gasp) Call you when I need you?  Because that would be crazy, I know. 
Leave it to a huge cell phone bill paying unconscionable prices per text to make us join that club in a hurry.  So now, thanks to the nice AT&T salesman, Kevin and I both now have a MAXIMUM (do not text me over or I will send you the bill:)... 200 texts each to message our friends and family.  But don't worry... I still prefer to call, so you can't get rid of my screaming, crazy, kid filled background noises just yet.  Now, if I could just find the send button through all of these broken pixels. 

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