Friday, April 29, 2011

The Tale of a Blue T-Shirt

When I thought about having boys, I swore to myself that I would not have the type of boys that run around in t-shirts and sweat pants.  I was convinced that my boys would be the well dressed ones, collars up, button shirts, and nicely pressed cargo pants. 

Then you have boys, and you encounter the "easy" fleece section of Target.  Not only is the t-shirt and fleece area cheaper than the cool outfits, but it also results in less tears from two crazy boys who apparently do care what they wear.  Remember, we are budget central here, and buying two of everything can be down right depressing come register time.

So I gave in.  I gave in to sweat pants, button less collars, or no collars at all.  Sweat shirts, fleece, stains... the whole truck load.  (I even let Callie wear Character tees - another sworn no no that is for another post).  Lately, my penny pinching and laziness has lent itself to one son who now cries every Sunday before church because he has to wear buttons (Sound familiar Uncle Andy??), and one son who although protests less, still prefers his comfort to his style.

Enter in the tale of the blue t-shirt.  Jack has been known to find something he loves, and use it until he kills it.  Proof of this is his almost brown-ish blankey (even after a bleach wash), and his pooh bear who is no longer bright orange, but more of a fallish burnt orange, with a touch of green... coloring.  He goes everywhere with them, and they look the part.  So when the other day, he began specifically asking for a certain blue T, I knew I was in for trouble.  First problem, the shirt doesn't fit anymore.  It's 18 months.  Second of all, how is a mother supposed to wash when kid wants to wear said shirt at bed, and during the day for play?  But at this point, I make it a point to avoid all useless tears, so the t-shirt has won for the last two weeks.

Yes, we wash it every couple of days, and it if had major stains, I would wrangle him out of it, even with sobbing.  Although not fashionable, it works.  It makes him happy, and it makes dressing easier in the morning when all that needs changed are pants.  I will have Kevin tackle the button issue later, like when he starts dating.  So we have some time.  And in the mean time, you can be sure that boy will be squeezed into the shirt every birthday picture, just as a bit of friendly retaliation for all of the wash his mother is currently doing for this odd preference.

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