Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So this title would have been completely better if we would have found out that we were having twins again.... but then I would have lost my mind instead of losing a good title.  I'll take my mind; thank you very much.

Luckily, since we knew that having twins WAS a possibility (I'm not going to get into our fertility issues)... once we found the two lines on the test, I immediately called my doctor and asked for an ultrasound, please.  I needed to know from the get go what we were in for.  Kevin claims that he wouldn't have cared if two babies showed up on that monitor... but I'm pretty sure that a huge sigh of relief crossed both of our faces when just one little heartbeat was there.

So it's on to number four.  Callie's excited, although doesn't fully understand why Mommy is allowed to have chips at any time, while she has to stick to her normal diet.  ("Mommy's baby needs them").  And she is requesting a sister.  Although I explained to her that I can't guarantee anything, and it's up to God what he gives us, I am almost positive from the McDonald's breakfast burrito cravings, and the large amounts of back-fat that I already have at 10 weeks... that she has a good chance of getting her wish.  Seriously, my boys vs girls craved different things in utero.. and this one is like Callie is back in the saddle; so to speak. 

So from here it's almost "See Ya" to the first trimester.  Which I am very much looking forward to not missing.  I'll enjoy having my energy back just in time for warmer weather... and for that Master Bathroom redo project that I am convincing Kevin should most certainly be done... before the baby.  Because if there is anything that my super husband knows about his crazy pregnant wife... it's that there is no time like pregnancy to take on a project.  There is something about being large and out of breath that really makes me want to crush drywall.  And I promised him, (after he made fun of me yesterday) that if wood work must be painted (with oil), that I would wear a mask:).  Jack and Charlie turned out Ok so far, right?

And thanks to Brittany Spears.  I've been waiting two years to use that wonderful song title for this post.  Oh Happy Day!


  1. I'm so thrilled for you, Kim! Love you and can't wait to meet #4!! Thanks for blazing the trail for all of us who are considering becoming a family of 6!

  2. love it, love the title, love you!!!!

  3. Yay! Norah's really hoping for a girl buddy to hang with. She's way outnumbered by all these boys in a row. Can't wait to snuggle him/her in September.xoxo

  4. Congratulations Kim and Kevin! We're so excited for you ... and impressed (we're struggling just to handle two!) I just found out about your blog, so I have some catching up to do!
