Sunday, December 19, 2010

"I Hold Jew"

No worries, this isn't a theological post.  It's about Jack.  And his current favorite phrase, and what we decided to do to make it stop. 
When you have 2 kids the exact same age, one on one bonding time seems few and far between.  They are sadly always grouped together, even in addressing them.  It's always, Jack and Charlie.. not one without the other.  In fact, in the short two years so far, I have never been out with just one of them.  I go out with Callie for girl time, but never, ever, with just one of the boys.  Weird to think about.  I've never seen their personalities without the other one's influence.
So today we started to change that.  Jack has been having some clinging issues with mommy, reverting to asking "I hold Jew (You)" (not proficient yet in correct pronouns) instead of wanting to play with toys, or his siblings.  So Kevin thought some good therapy for him would be an alone "date" with me to Kroger's and Target.  Super exciting, I know. 
The car seemed oddly quiet with 2 extra car seats, and the first question he asked when we pulled into Kroger's was where Charlie was.  He still whined a bit in the cart, but there was no hitting, biting, yelling, or temper tantrums!  Target, I must say, was a home run.  He got to walk, suck a popsicle, hold his Pooh Bear, and get eyelash pumps from ladies everywhere.  He was even such a gentleman that he held my hand the whole time, and he let me try on clothes without sounding like a sumo wrestling match was in the dressing room.  We browsed, talked, almost went potty like a big boy... and bonded. 
I think it was a success.  When we got home, he didn't care so much for me anymore.  He didn't ask "I hold Jew" ... and he didn't cry for me.  He went right back into beating up his siblings, which is the way things should be.  Leaving me more time to talk to my husband, definitely the way things should be. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! glad you found time with jack -- and glad it was enjoyable and memorable!
