As I listened, halfway engaged in my project, halfway focused on the current health care debates, I heard the argument that changed my view of a Congressman, who may soon change the direction of the country. *** Warning: this is a political post. Double warning: It's still my blog*****
Wisconsin Congressman, Paul Ryan, began to speak about his views of the American People, the role of Government, and the possible budgetary implications if the Health Care bill was implemented. It was genius, it was well thought out, and everyone should You Tube it.
So imagine my delight when one of my favorite Congressmen was recently named as the Vice Presidential candidate. Yes, I remember that moment too. It was the moment that I knew that I had good sense when it came to political talent, and when I knew that my husband may have a future in Government.
I mean, seriously... separated at birth....
But it's Paul Ryan's moment, so we won't crash his party with Kevin's good looks, yet. It seems that although both men have heads for politics, inwardly and outwardly, Paul Ryan also has the wife for them, while Kevin does not. While I have strong political views, I choose to live vicariously through the political ambitions of others, and enjoy strategizing from my kitchen table instead of an Oval Office.
November is right around the corner, it's time to focus, people. I'm not ashamed to say that this election is important. It could be epic. And, like Paul Ryan's speech, it could go down in history as one of the greatest events we've ever watched, besides his great hair.
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