Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pictures and Presidents

I have been so busy watching stump speeches and counting down the days until the election that the blog has been neglected, but not forgotten.  And so, to assure my Mom and Grams that the kids are, in fact, still enjoying life, and not wondering who the crazy lady yelling at the T.V. is all day... here is a photo smorgasbord of our Fall so far. 
Unfortunately, we don't have any exciting October surprises to report on, but I'm hoping that there will be one huge Surprise come November 7th that MSNBC just didn't see coming.  We are hoping that if things go our way, Kevin may have a side job in the impersonation business.  And we aren't talking Joe Biden, Folks. 

The boys had their pumpkin patch field trip, and Grandma Jan came along to help

Clearly, he enjoyed the tractor ride

Later that weekend... they also turned 4, and we celebrated in style in Grandma De's garage

I made them take our annual "Twin Birthday" shot.  And after a thousand out takes, this is as best as we could do.  Sadly, they weren't the problem... my face wasn't cooperating in most of them.  And after the first 100, we had to add chairs for my arms.  Apparently, Insanity workouts don't keep your arms buff after you stop the program.

The entire family pitched in and helped us get the boys some big boy toys for their presents...

And they have been driving them ever since. 
Unfortunately, putting them away when they are done is not their strong suit. 

So, I channel my inner clown every night at 10pm, and drive them in the garage while Kevin stands by and laughs.  (and takes pictures of my rediculousness)

Making Trains has become huge, again, in our house

Harry is becoming full fledged boy, going after every truck, car, train or motor he can steal away from his brothers

We (Kevin) carved pumpkins with the kids...
And a few days later some teenage smucks smashed them over night.  We spent the next day teaching the kids how to use "stupid" in the correct context, and the second half of the day learning about forgiveness.
He's just into everything he can get to

Trick or Treating night.  We had Jake and Izzy (From Jake and the Neverland Pirates), and for the third year in a row... Tigger.  Because when a kid is comfortable going as a huge bouncing bundle of happiness, you just go with it.

My candy hander outer helper.  And when I wasn't looking, a little side treat for himself.   

 And that is our October... from start to end.  I'll be back soon with a post election post.  Because besides looking at pictures of my kids, there's nothing that gets me more excited than a little thing I like to call, the Presidential Election.  Do you know where your polling location is?  

1 comment:

  1. YEAH FINALLY A POST!!!!! you will be happy to know i already voted :) I loved all the updates and your kids are just the cutest. Also can you help a sister out... how do you have time to do insanity, remodel, repaint, redo, and raise four kids?!!? I am terrified to have two... help?!?!
