Monday, July 9, 2012

A Harry Situation

Kevin and I differ on our opinions of hair.  He longs for a bit more wisp, catch the breeze type of hair, while I remind him that many a female would pay big bucks for his richly (naturally) dark, stick straight like it was just on an ironing board, shiny, hair.  I'm still confused as to why God blesses men with better hair than us women.  Maybe it's because back in His time, long hair was in, in a big way.

So lucky for us, he has once again passed the great hair genes onto one of our boys.  Of course.  Ironically enough, Harry, seems to have gotten the best strands out of any of the kids.  But with a name like that, you better not enter the room bald. 

Random women have come up to me in grocery stores simply to touch his hair; describing it as halo-ish.  I can't argue with them.  It does have a beautiful glow when it catches the light.  Harry has the perfect hair that can go to sleep messy, and wake up looking salon styled.  It perfectly sticks straight up for volume, while falling nicely into rear layers.  It has recently been described to me as nearing the verge of a mullet, but as his mother, I don't agree.  I will not take scissors to that hair.  This kid has a happy personality to match that party in the back, so my vote is to let grow what God gave him.  And now,  to show it off to the world in all of its blonde glory.

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